Forum Discussion

37093709's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Can't Edit Supplier on Existing Bill

I can't edit the supplier on an existing bill. This makes it difficult when the wrong supplier was allocated because I have to delete the whole bill and enter again. Surely this is a bug.

  • Hi 37093709 


    Thanks for your post. Once a purchase has been recorded the supplier of that transaction is unable to be changed. If that supplier does need to be changed, users would be looking at deleting that transaction and redoing for the correct supplier. This can't be changed for auditing purposes. 

  • LCrowhurst's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    37093709 wrote:

    I can't edit the supplier on an existing bill. This makes it difficult when the wrong supplier was allocated because I have to delete the whole bill and enter again. Surely this is a bug.

    Ive had this too and its soo annoying...never happened in the OLD  ESSENTIALS!!!

  • Hi 37093709 


    Thanks for your post. Once a purchase has been recorded the supplier of that transaction is unable to be changed. If that supplier does need to be changed, users would be looking at deleting that transaction and redoing for the correct supplier. This can't be changed for auditing purposes. 

    • Ian2015's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I don't think that is an acceptable answer

      • zumrut25's avatar
        Contributing User

        I agree. It's changed since the upgrade, and is a huge problem when you have lots of small transactions and a number of similar/related suppliers and/or MYOB suggests the wrong one.