Forum Discussion

iChicken's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Customers Missing in Dropdown Box

When selecting customers, is there a maximum number of contacts for the Dropdown box?


I'm working with a company file 10+ years old with a large contact list, and I see that every contact after 'J' is missing. HOWEVER, if I make one of the visible contacts inactive, the following contact (in alphabetical order) appears at the end of the list. 


** See in the screenshot, my list of customers goes all the way to 'Z' but the only selectable customers (to create invoices/statements) run out at 'J'. 


Has anyone else noticed this? Any workarounds other than individually making no-longer-needed customer contact cards inactive?



  • iChicken's avatar
    Contributing User

    Having trouble selecting Customers using the drop-down box (by default says 'All')


    It looks like customers with name cards A through J are there, but not J through Z.


    They ARE searchable by going through 'Contacts', but not when using 'Invoices' or 'Customer Statements'


    Does anyone know how to fix this?





  • Hi iChicken 


    Depending on the number of contacts you have in your MYOB Business the selection list may not load the full list. However, you should be able to type in the required name or the first few characters of the name for it to appear. For example, say the name was "Smith, John", you should be able to type in "Smi" for it to appear.

    • iChicken's avatar
      Contributing User

      Steven_M wrote:

      Hi iChicken 


      Depending on the number of contacts you have in your MYOB Business the selection list may not load the full list. However, you should be able to type in the required name or the first few characters of the name for it to appear. For example, say the name was "Smith, John", you should be able to type in "Smi" for it to appear.

      Thanks for your reply. 

      I thought the same thing - but typing in the search dropdown box yields the exact same result. It's weird. I can however find them in the contacts section, that's how I know that they have been imported. Also, I can see their invoices when looking at ALL invoices for a date range.


      It just won't let me select the customer individually (or even search for them in Sales or Statements)


      Maybe it;s a contact limit? Never come across it before.

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi iChicken 


        How many customer cards do you have in your contact list? As I've recently added ~12,000 customer cards to my file and I was able to successfully load the full number of cards in that list or search for them in that selection list.

        If you are not able to do that, perhaps try in another browser and/or clear your cache as it could be a browser error.