Forum Discussion

Terry12239's avatar
Cover User
10 months ago

Discounts given

Hi I have had several invoices that have been paid showing up in expenses as discounts given. Payments have been reconciled so I'm unable to delete.

Any suggestions on why this is happening & how do I rectify.

Thank You.

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  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Terry12239


    Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    Apologies for the delayed response. I understand we are correcting the wrong allocation of payments. In my understanding, these transactions might have been recorded from the bank transactions window.  Although this might be more work, we will need to undo your reconciliation and correct these transactions first. The system does not have an easy way to correct errors. Also, if this cannot be done I would suggest speaking with a financial advisor to explore options for correcting the values. 


    Let us know if you require any further assistance with this. We're happy to help. 

