Forum Discussion

toorak's avatar
12 months ago

Entering a property sale


We are a building/construction company.  

We have sold a property.  

How am I best to enter the Solicitors statement details into MYOB so the gross sale (say 1.2 mill) shows up in the GST reports as income/sale.  

There are deductions to be made, eg lawyer fees, mortgage repayment etc.  

And just the nett amount is showing in the reports, which IRD are querying.


Of course our go to accountant, is away on annual leave, hence this post.



  • Hi toorak

    Thanks for posting your concern in the forum. 


    I understand the need to make sure the sale is correctly recorded in the ledger. Also, I understand that you are only posting this as your accountant is away. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to provide this information as this is considered as financial advice. You will need to seek help with a financial advisor regarding this. 


    In the meantime, feel free to create a new thread if you require any other assistance.

