Forum Discussion

Think1's avatar
Experienced User
12 months ago

Give us the turn off BPay option now!!!

So many threads about this and so many banal replies from MYOB from people who a) don't understand the problem and just repeat useless information we can look up ourselves or b) tells us lies lies and more lies about this being looked into and then close the comments.


So, I think everyone having this issue should put up a post a day about how annoying it is and maybe we will get some traction.


2 years MYOB!!! 2 years we have put up with a substandard online payment solutions which punishes small businesses for trying to be pro-active about being paid.  We've paid $3,000 in fees for customers using BPay so far this financial year.  That could have been $0 if you'd got your act together sooner.


Can we at least have an explanation from your developers are to why this is taking so long?  What is so hard about splitting out the option to pay by Bpay.  At the very least this should be your priority if there is some kind of red tape stopping you letting us pass on the surcharge (which I suspect there is seeing as Bpay is owned by the Big 4 banks.)


Maybe it's time to escalate this unfair sitution to ASIC - they love a good complaint about the Big 4, who I believe are under close scrutinty at the moment.





  • Hi Think1 


    I would like to extend my sincere apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced. I completely understand your frustration. Unfortunately, at this stage, turning off BPAY is still not an option. However, I would like to assure you that your feedback has been escalated as a top priority with our support teams. I'll keep you updated on any developments in this matter as soon as possible.

    Appreciate your patience and understanding.



    Priya Selvaraj

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey Think1

    We’ve taken your feedback onboard and have been working to improve online invoice payments to provide greater control when it comes to selecting your preferred payment options. We've made some changes to online payments and you should now have the ability to turn it off. 

    If you have any further questions or feedback, let me know!


    *edited 26/8 

  • JW-1's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi Think1

    We have been having the same issues with MYOB wanting to charge hefty fees for using their internal BPAY, instead of your own external BPAY provider (in our case via the NAB at a reasonable flat 88 cents per transaction). Can I kindly ask you if you are using BPAY still and if so via MYOB's offering or via an external provider? 

    Regards Jeremy 

    • Princess_R's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi JW-1,


      We have made the changes to the Online Invoice Payments (OIP) options, and these changes are now live across AccountRight and MYOB Business! You can find more information about these updates at this link. Feel free to get in touch if you have more questions. 




      • JW-1's avatar
        Contributing User

        Hi Princess R


        You have not answered my question. All I want to know is whether I can use an external BPAY provider in MYOB? Yes or No? And if NO why not? 


        As a business we elect MYOB to be our accounting software provider only (and not our banking provider). I cannot fathom how MYOB can charge a excessive 1.8% surcharge (which either us or the customer pays) when the benchmark 'flat rate' in the market place is only $0.88 (incl. GST). 


