Forum Discussion

Marc-H's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 months ago

Invoice format / new look community page

In my humble opinion, ever since the new look community page has come about there appears to be minimal official responses, solutions or replies to people's gripes


Usually you could expect some sort of generic response or acknowledgment that somebody is paying attention.

Now people's posts are getting lost in the clutter OR others specifically have to go and look in depth for that specific type of gripe.

Only the simple issues seem to get official attention.


Why have the invoice buttons been shifted ?

Why do I have third party advertising in my invoices (invoice funding) ?

Why do you waste time dumb little tweaks that apparently improve our experience - when you cant even get the basics right.

Why don't you seem to listen to feedback anymore ?


Who comes up with these ideas ?

It cannot be actual users requesting this stuff.


  • pippypip's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    My thoughts exactly. They must have a lot of mirrors at MYOB because they are always looking into it. Items I raised since the launch of MYOB Business still remain unresolved. Some of these fixes should be simple and yet we continue to wait.

    • gavin12345's avatar
      Ultimate User

      Come on guys - for a company run almost exclusively by AI, they are not doing too bad. Even the first few self driving vehicles had the occasional crash:)


      • Marc-H's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Since you put it that way, should consider ourselves fortunate.

        Nothing to see here.