Forum Discussion

STurton's avatar
21 days ago

Purchases in foreign currency

Hi there. How do I capture a bill that is invoiced in USD when I am based in New Zealand and using NZD.  The bills was $35 (USD) which is around $63 (NZD) but the invoice naturally shows $35.  Is ...
  • Earl_HD's avatar
    20 days ago

    Hi STurton,

    Multi-currency features are only available in AccountRight Premier. To enable the multi-currency preference, please follow the instructions provided in this [link]. When entering the bill, select USD as the currency. Enter the amount as shown on the invoice ($35 USD in your case). The software will automatically convert the USD amount to NZD based on the exchange rate you have set up. You can also manually adjust the exchange rate if needed.

    For more detailed instructions, you can refer to his help articles on working with multiple currencies.

    I hope this helps!
