Forum Discussion

fredmarzin's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago


I have checked out notes for  Payables Reconciliation Summary and problem still exists.


The out of Balance on the summary is exactly what the Difference is on the Balance of the Creditor.

The Purchase Register shows open Bills for $40000-00 but the Balance of the  Creditor Card is $49000.00

Doesn't matter what option I use to correct the issue, the Balance of the Creditor is always out.

I can fix the Aged Payables, and the Purchase Register for the Creditor, but not the Creditors Card Balance showing in the Outstanding Purchaase Analysis

  • Tracey_H's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi fredmarzin 


    Can you please send me screenshots of the report(s) showing the out of balance and the supplier card showing the balance. You can send those screenshots by private message.

  • Hi fredmarzin 


    Thanks for your post. So that I can assist with this can you clarify if you have followed the steps in the help article, Receivables, Payables or inventory out of balance, to try and resolve this? Have you been able to work out which transaction(s) are causing the issue? If you run the Payables Reconciliation Summary with a future date is it still out of balance?

    • fredmarzin's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Tracey


      thank you for your quick response.


      Yes I have followed the help article and did not solve the issue.

      As stated in my quirie, I have found the culprit but I cannot adjust the Aged Payables Outstanding Purchase Analysis Balance.   I can amend the Account opening Balance to bring the error to Nil, but the above I cannot amend.

      I need help in understanding how the Balance is calculated within MYOB itself, so I can adjust the figure.

      I believe it is the Supplier Balances Pre conversion Purchase area.

      Doesn't matter what I do, the Balance is always out.

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi fredmarzin 


        Can you please send me screenshots of the report(s) showing the out of balance and the supplier card showing the balance. You can send those screenshots by private message.