Forum Discussion

HayleyBrett's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago

Attachments for Sales

Is there any way of adding an attachment to a sale? Like how you can attach an invoice to a purchase? Is this feature in the pipeline as it would be extremely handy to have?

3 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi HayleyBrett,


    Thanks for your post. 


    I'm hoping the below link will assist you with your query:


    If I have misunderstood your query, please let me know.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • HayleyBrett's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thanks but I am aware of how to attach to a bill. I would like to be able to attach to a sale also.

      • Sam_R's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi HayleyBrett,


        Apologies, AccountRight will allow only you to attach documents to Bills, Spend Money, and Contact card records.

        To my knowledge, attachment to sales transactions is not something that is being included in the next update, however, I would recommend heading to our Idea Exchange Board and voting on this suggestion for our developer's review. 


        If you have any further queries, please let me know.