Forum Discussion

DEXom's avatar
2 years ago

Auto Complete Salesperson on new invoices



We need to set up MYOB so that when a new invoice is being generated by a Salesperson, the Salesperson field is automatically filled in with the current user's details.


So when Michael selects "Enter Sales", his name is automatically entered into the "Salesperson" field. And if Jane then creates a sale for that same customer, it automatically enters Jane's name.


Is this possible?



  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi DEXom,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum!

    I apologize for the delay in responding. Currently, there isn't a built-in feature to automatically populate the Salesperson field with the current user's details. However, you can set a default salesperson for a specific customer, and this can be automatically assigned to invoices. To do this, please follow these steps:

    1. Go to "Card File" and select "Cards List."
    2. Open the relevant Customer card.
    3. Click on the "Selling Details" tab.
    4. Using the dropdown menu, specify a default 'salesperson' for this customer. You can refer to the screenshot below for guidance.



    Once the above steps are done, any new invoices created for this customer will automatically show your nominated salesperson.


    • Hi,


      Glad to have found this page.


      2 things - 


      1. I have my customer card setup with the correct "Salesperson", the correct "delivery via" 

        a. when i create a new sales invoice via the PC everything is perfect

        b. when i create a new sales invoice via the web using my mobile device and saved, no salesperson or delivery via appear and there is no field in the web version to manually ensure and insert the above details.


      2. Again setup with customer card correctly on the "ship to" address

        a. when i create a new sales invoice via PC everything is perfect.

        b. when i create a new sales invoice via the web using mobile device, i. the format of any address after checking the PC version is all wrong. e.g. billing address is


      PO Box 1234

      Bexley NSW 2207



      becomes PO Box 1234Bexley NSW 2207Australia  - all in one line in the PC when created from web version on my mobile.


        ii. the "shipping to" address is not an option in the web version thus there is no way to see if it is correct and it turns out to be incorrect and not following the card file at all and there is no way to change this in the web version.


      I really dont use the PC on the go, having a web version on my mobile is god sent but disappointed that there are bugs here. Pleae help to fix it.