Forum Discussion
Hi BenTSA , there was mention in a thread about online payments* that invoices posted to MYOB from 3rd party apps need to have a field called OnLinePaymentMethod set to "None" in order for the invoice to be correctly posted without the BPay option ticked.
*See Unauthorised Invoice Online Payments Selection | MYOB Community, and comments from user BlueWave.
When this API field was first created, the default was None, but about a month later it was changed to default to All. (This post confirms: AccountRight 2018.2 | release notes – Support for the MYOB family of SME product APIs)
I'm guessing that this issue will also apply to invoices imported via the Import-Export wizard, however, this wizard has no provision for setting the value of that field.
This may explain why all your invoices were imported with the BPay option ticked. If I am right, there's nothing you can do to change the program's behaviour. However, as developers, we can post files of invoices to MYOB files, and (subject to our confirmation) set that field appropriately. Email me using the details on our home page ( if you want to discuss further.
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