2 years ago
Bulk Price Increase Errors - Script?
Hi. I posted this problem last week, but it appears under "Getting Started", so l am reposting here.
I ran a Price increase on all of our items and resulted in the following errors:
505 records imported without errors.
1367 records imported with warnings.
282 records skipped.
Summary of errors
Error -4077: You have sales for this item.
Warning 55: Invalid Selling Price; price ignored
Warning 75: #Items per selling unit may only be specified for items that are sold and inventoried
Warning 240: Price Level A, Quantity Break 1 not equal to Base Selling Price; Bases Selling Price substituted.
I know last time this happened you ran a script to fix it. Is this still the case? If not, can somebody please advise what i need to do?
Thanks, Julie