Forum Discussion

FarmNess's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

company file inaccessible

I use 3 company files on my accountright account, and have done for 10 years. yesterday, MYOB made one inaccessible, and despite all day on the phone, I cant get access to it (it's read-only)


I need to process staff pays immediately, and of course no one is there at support to try to get it sorted on the weekend. 


Any way of getting this dealt with before Monday?

7 Replies

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  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi FarmNess 


    Thank you for the post and welcome to Community Forum! We appreciate your patience and I'll be more than happy to assist you with this. Let me go ahead and check your account, please send me a Private Message containing the following:


    • Serial number
    • Business name
    • Company File ID (Help>>About MYOB AccountRight)


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    Kind regards,


  • Hannah_V's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, FarmNess we're happy to help with your concern.


    We would greatly appreciate a follow-up regarding the information above to dive deeper into the error message that you have. 

    Kindly provide us with more insights or any additional updates about this.




    • FarmNess's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi There,


      I finally managed to speak with someone in sales who could fix the issue.


      I would like to let you know about MYOB's awful service I experienced over the last few days. If I treated my loyal customers the way you treat yours, I would expect them all to leave and take their business elsewhere.  


      I have been using MYOB for about 10 years now, for 3 different company files.


      Last week, without warning, one of our files was suddenly made inactive. This is a company file we use all the time, it would be obvious to whoever cut it off that it would cause a lot of issues for us. Meaning I couldn’t process our staff pays, or any other business.


      We spent all day Friday on the phone and email trying to sort it with you, to no avail. This has cost my business hundreds of dollars of my book keeper’s time. Also no help over the weekend, despite attempts to contact you through various channels. Only today were we able to sort it, by calling your sales department. Finally got to speak to someone who knew what they were doing.


      To add insult to the whole affair, we discovered that our subscription rates for our 3 company files has nearly doubled in the past 2 months. As a long term customer, I find this appalling. There is no justification for a doubling of our monthly fees.


      If I treated my loyal customers the way you treat yours, I would expect them to leave.  


      I can be contacted via the details you have on file if you would like to discuss this in person.




      • Celia_B's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi FarmNess 


        Thank you for your post. I am sorry that you had that experience. And thank you so much for being with MYOB for almost 10 years.  I know that this situation had made you upset and that is not how  we want our customers experience it. We always strive to serve our customers and provide the right service. Our apologies for the inconvenience. 


        With regards to the subscription, It was announced last March and has an effectivity in the month of June. All MYOB customers should received an email regarding the product price.  You can check on this link


        If you need further assistance or question please feel free to post again, We're happy to assist you. 






    • Celia_B's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi FarmNess 


      We would greatly appreciate a follow-up regarding the issue? May I know how it goes? If you still needing help with your concern on your file. you may send us a private message with updates on your concern and one of us will be here to help you investigate it. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 


