Forum Discussion

angela10's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Datainvalid error

Could you please assist with fixing a DataInvalid error message . The phone wait to get advice is over 85 minutes.


Serial Number - xxxxxxxx

Business Name - xxxxxxx

Contact - xxxxxxx - manager 0xxxxxxx -xxxxxx

Company ID - xxxxxxx


The error is appearing when attempting to Pay Bills and today when trying to import Retail Manager daily export


Kind regards Angela 


*Account information removed by MYOB Moderator to protect security of the account ^TH

8 Replies

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  • Hi angela10


    Thanks for your post. I've responded to your other post here, could you please provide me that diagnostic log as your file is offline so I can look into this for you. 

    • angela10's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Melisa, thanks for your reply, but wher do i find Start Menu to then trace diagnostic log  cheers Angela

      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi angela10


        Thanks for attaching those logs. Can you please send me a private message with the following information with the following details so I can arrange a file repair for you:

        • Serial number 
        • Your full name and email address 
        • Account you're using when paying those bills via the electronic payments window (this helps our team identify the duplicates in the background)