Forum Discussion

MezIndustries's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 months ago

Electronic copies of invoices in MYOB


when a couple of clients I look after decided to close their businesses and we therefore stopped their MYOB licence, I first rang MYOB to make sure we would still have access to the invoices attached to purchases. It was confirmed that in fact I would still have access. I have restored a couple of these files and there are no files attached. 

Is this what happens, how do we go in an audit situation. I have not kept the paper copies as I was under the belief they were safely stored with the backup copy of the MYOB file.


6 Replies

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  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi MezIndustries , that advice was not quite right. Your options are:

    - request the documents from MYOB, they will give you the files but you may have to be persistent. The file names will have no meaning, and may not all be searchable.

    - download the attachments one by one, same comment as to filenames and content.

    - use our bulk download service, see my signature link for more details. You get PDF's with meaningful file names.

    • MezIndustries's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      You are offering a separate service outside of MYOB, this does not answer my question. 

      MYOB advised that I would be able to see attached files and I can not.

      Can MYOB provide a solution to this issue please, I don't want to have to pay an outside source for a service.

      surely as an accounting package, there must be a solution from MYOB, we have been encouraged to go into the cloud, with confidence that our doucmentation would be safe and accessible. 


      • Mike_James's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Hi MezIndustries , my intention is to inform you of your options. To answer your question, the attachments are stored in a separate online database, and are therefore not included in a file which is backed up and restored locally.