Forum Discussion

StephVoulcaris's avatar
2 years ago

Export Item Pricing

Hi there,


When I use the Import/Export Assistant to export the Item masterfile, it only exports to 2 decimal places.


This is not an excel issue as it is only 2 decimal places even in TXT file.


Can someone please guide me on what settings to change in MYOB to export to 4 decimal places?



3 Replies

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  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi StephVoulcaris , welcome to the forum.  This is, I believe, a limitation of the import program, sorry to say. There might be a post about this on the ideas exchange,  or you can add one. 

    • StephVoulcaris's avatar

      Thanks Mike.


      Is there any other way (e.g., Reports) that we can get a data dump of all items to 4 decimal places?


      It doesn't necessarily need to be through the Import/Export function.




      • Mike_James's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Hi StephVoulcaris , from memory I think the pricing report is similarly limited. The only way I know to get the full figures out is via the API.