Forum Discussion

Cathy1's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

exporting item pricing


I want to export an item sales list to excel to 3 decimal places.  Every time I try to do the export it rounded up to 2 decimal places when it imports to excel from MYOB.  Am I doing something wrong?


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  • Hello Cathy1 


    Thank you for your question.


    It is possible that your excel settings have it automatically round to 2 decimal places which is why when you import it, it is automatically changing to the 2 decimal places rather than keeping the 3 when you have exported the file. 


    The easiest way in Excel to change a decimal amount is on the Home tab, click Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal to show more or fewer digits after the decimal point.


    I would suggest changing this and then importing the data to see if this works. 

    Please let me know how you go.

    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi Cathy1 , ChrisMYOB , this is a long-standing issue, but I can't find any trace in my own records or in the community of it being raised previously.


      PS: I just found it mentioned in my email to one of the MYOB inventory team in August 2021.