Thank you again for your quick response but my question has not been answered yet. I know how to receive payments.
Let me try and break it down again...
This customer is the head office for a group of individual companies that buy from us. Head Office paid a lump sum of $20,000. I entered the payment through Banking/Receive Money into our bank account. I then went into Sales/Receive Payments and deposited each individual store into the Debtors Clearing Account. I then went into Banking/Reconcile Accounts and reconciled the Debtors Clearing Account making sure that the deposits column amount matched the withdrawals column amount (which it did).
Every month since February I have been chasing this one customer for payment of the overdue $110. They sent me the remittance from Head Office which showed that $110 was paid as part of the $20,000 lump sum. Somehow I didn't allocate the $110 into MYOB so it's still showing as outstanding. They have definitely paid this $110 but I don't know how to show it as paid in MYOB since it was allocated in February and I've already reconciled and done the BAS for February (Q3).
Do I need to unreconcile the bank account and start over with the payment allocation?