Forum Discussion

Margriet's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Incorrect date format on receipts



Following up on a post by AKL Joinery dating back to August 2020.


I quote:

"Just wondering when the issue with the date format on receipts will be sorted. The work around to "check out" and go offline is no longer an option. It has being going on for what seems like forever (minium 4 years but that 2016 thread alluded it had already been a problem for about 4 years prior so we are looking at 8 years).


I believe we all pay a subscription to this service and while i'm sure there are some more urgent issues that require fixing, it's hard to believe that in 8 years there hasn't been a fix.


It looks completely unprofessional to have the incorrect date format in NZ (and AUS)."


We are now another two years down the track and the issue has still not been resolved! Your reply and attention to this would be most appreciated. As OP stated, we all pay for your service, so please deliver!




  • chris_04's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Issue #1


    I too am frustrated with this issue (AU). I am using AccountRight Plus AU 2022.7.0 version with live subscription paid for the company file.


    When a receipt form is generated/printed/saved to PDF it displays the Receipt Date correctly (dd/mm/yy). But the INV DATE/ACCT NAME field displays the date in the WRONG format (mm/dd/yy). I am unable to edit this field. I also feel this error looks quite unprofessional on receipts generated for our customers.


    So far, the ONLY way to avoid this, is to HIDE the INV DATE column & not print/generate this field on the form.


    ALL other dates on Statements, Invoices, Remittance Advices (where the Invoice Number is referenced) are displayed & printed in correct AU format (dd/mm/yy).


    This has nothing to do with the Windows 10 Region/Date/Time settings as it is set correctly, has not changed & displays correctly in ALL other applications.


    Can MYOB please prioritise sorting this issue & providing a solution? It has to be an MYOB software issue, given that all other dates in MYOB display correctly.


    Issue #2 


    Field Boxes in customised forms have been formatted to "No Colour" outline/border, however when saved as a PDF these boxes remain with borders visible. Cannot email these to customers as it looks unprofessional & untidy. My only option at present is to print the form (borders with "no colour" are hidden when printed), scan the form back into the computer & send to the customer. Very time consuming.


    Can MYOB please provide a solution to this software glitch? It seems to have been happening to many other users for quite some time, as with the incorrect date format issue, but I haven't been able to find a solution that works.


    • Tracey_H's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi chris_04 


      Thin grey outlines/boxes when saving to PDF is generally caused by the PDF driver you are using. If you don't have CutePDF installed I'd recommend installing and testing it as other users have successfully resolved this issue by changing PDF drivers.


      Something else to try is, rather than selecting the Print button within the Invoice window, select the Send To button, then select either Disk (to create a PDF and save it), OR Email (to create a PDF attached to an email, ready to send).  This method creates a PDF that matches your template.


      Please don't hesitate to post again if you need help in the future.

      • chris_04's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        Hi Tracey,


        I appreciate your reply regarding the grey outlines/boxes on my forms.


        I am unable to "send" a receipt to disk or email. My only option, that I am aware of, is Print Receipt. I have attached a screenshot of my Navigation Page showing Print Receipts. Have looked if there are other options or ways around this but can't seem to find anything.


        I am only able to send to disk or email, my invoices. Remittance Advices can be printed, printed to pdf or emailed, but again no option for send to disk.


        I will look into your suggestion about CutePDF however if it is a paid subscription, I am unwilling to pay for another software to generate forms that MYOB should have a handle on.


        Kind regards, Christine

  • Hi Margriet 


    We do understand this is frustrating and it is being investigated by our development teams. I'm not able to provide a timeframe for when it will be resolved, however, I have passed your feedback on to the relevant teams.


    If you would like to provide further feedback you are welcome to do so via the Feedback & Complaints channel on the Contact us page on our website.


    Please don't hesitate to post again if you need assistance in the future.

    • chris_04's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thank you, Tracey for your reply.