Forum Discussion

HDG's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago


For love of God MYOB what is going on! I'm wasting so much time searching for sales and purchases because it's taking ages for MYOB to find the information, so i move on and then realise it's already in the system but it just takes ages to come find. Seriously why is this program continually going backwards....


After 20 years of using this program I cannot believe how backward it is going. Why are you not looking after the customers needs. I'm sorry to say that we are definitely looking at moving on. 

4 Replies

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  • Hello HDG 


    Thank you for your post. 


    If your AccountRight software is starting to run slow there are a few things I can suggest doing which can improve its performance. 

    If your file is online, you might wish to check the upload/download speeds.

    Make sure you have all windows updates installed, including any .NET Framework ones. 

    You can also follow our Community post on clearing your AccountRight cache which can improve the performance of your software.


    I have linked our Help Article on speed and performance tips which covers some more things you are able to check to make sure that your software is running optimally. 


    If my response has answered your inquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users to find this information.

    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi HDG , in addition, make sure that anti-virus exclusions have been applied to the correct folders.


      Assuming a cloud file, if you take a backup of your file and restore it to the local library, how large is that file? AccountRight has no purge options, but purging old data is still a very effective move. There are solutions out there, or email me for details. I have clients who have been successfully referred to this service. 

      • HDG's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Thanks Mike. My backup zipped file is 185,915KB