Forum Discussion

hdeluca's avatar
9 months ago

MYOB Accountright latest version extremely slow to respond

Help! MYOB Accountright latest version is taking forever to respond. Its payroll day today.  This stalling is taking double the time to action.  we have rebooted our internet system, still no change.


5 Replies

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  • We are in the same position and also payroll day. 


    Dear Myob Team, can you please advise asap?


    Thanks, Sylvia

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi all, thanks for your posts, and welcome here to the Community Forum. We are thankful for your effort in bringing your concern to us and we apologize for any inconvenience due to AccountRight not responding. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to address your concern. 
    Our team is currently investigating an issue with Intermittent errors occurring when accessing and navigating MYOB Business and AccountRight Live. You may check the status on for updates. Thank you again for your patience and understanding on this matter. 
    Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 

  • DeskJockey's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    We arestill experincing this too. We are having to key the same invoice in multiple times as it stalls and crashes and doesnt save the invoice. We have a lot of details to key in to each Invoice that can take up to 30 minuts to enter.


    We have looked at everything internally and it is definitely not an internet or storage issue, it is MYOB.

    We need this fixed ASAP please.

    • Leneth_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi DeskJockey
      Thank you for getting back to us and for providing information of your concern. We apologize for any difficulties you are experiencing, and we value your patience and understanding. 
      We are aware that some clients have experienced MYOB responding slowly, along with difficulties in logging into their accounts. This is a matter that we are actively monitoring, and I have included your feedback in our observations. For your reference, you can always check our MYOB hub page for updates and further information.


      Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 