Forum Discussion

RhondaMP's avatar
3 days ago

Online payment error

We have set up online payments in one of our MYOB files.

Whilst it looks like everything has been set up correctly, when we emailed an invoice to ourselves and tried to pay it we got an error message saying "unable to verify your payment".

Does that mean that  the setup hasn't been verified by MYOB or is there something else that we need to do?


1 Reply

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi RhondaMP,

    I know that this can be quite tricky sometimes. Just a reminder that the minimum amount for an invoice should be 40 cents. If the invoice amount is below or above this threshold, you might encounter the error you're seeing.

    If the invoice amount is correct and you're still encountering issues, please take a screenshot of the error message and submit a support ticket via We'll be happy to assist you further. 

