Forum Discussion

karlysmith's avatar
Contributing Cover User
7 months ago

Random Client PO on Payments Line on Activity Statements

Our monthly Activity Statements that are emailed to our customers are showing random Client POs on the Payments line (see attached example). This field should be empty, as this is very confusing to our customers. Can you please advise how to correct this problem?

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi karlysmith ,

    Since the reference number field is automatically generated for statements, it's not possible to manually change it. This is designed to ensure consistency and accuracy in your records. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our support team is here to help with any concerns you might have.


    • karlysmith's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi Earl


      How are the reference numbers generated, because they make no sense to us or our customers!

      We need a solution to this, as we are getting MANY enquiries from our customers about whether the line refers to a credit note, what is the reference etc.


      Kind Regards,



    • karlysmith's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Further to my previous reply Earl, I'm not talking about the Reference No., I'm talking about the Client PO field (see attachment). Payments should not show a Client PO on the statement.

      Please advise.

  • Hi karlysmith,


    I see, but please be advised that Customer PO No. would be relating to the invoices listed in the table so you would need to add that value via a column to the table. This is opposed to a field that will not change based on the individual line data i.e. the company name.




    • karlysmith's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      I'm sorry, but this is not making sense to me.

      When you receive a customer payment, there is no field to enter a PO, so where are the numbers coming from? Can you please look again at the statement example I have attached.

      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi karlysmith 


        This does not normally happen. I have checked statements for dozens of clients and none show anything in this 'field' for a Payment Received.


        This suggests something might be amiss at your end. I would start by looking at the customised invoice to see exactly which 'field' is being used for this column. This is not the standard column header so it is likely a non-standard field as well.


