Forum Discussion

kezpez's avatar
2 years ago

Turn off

I am devistated at the unexpected "Invoice Payments Transaction Fee" we have been charged this month. I see where we can turn off the credit card payment oprion and/or enable a surcharge to the customer . BUT how can we tirn off the BPAY payemnt option? This is where MYOB charge us for the custoner paying us. Please help

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey kezpez

    We’ve taken your feedback onboard. We are working to improve online invoice payments and provide greater control when it comes to selecting your preferred payment options. 

    *Edited 30/07 with new information below in bold

    The ability to turn off BPAY is coming in a couple of weeks, please keep an eye out for emails & in product messaging to inform you of this change.


    Cheers, Amanda. 

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey kezpez

    These changes are now live across AccountRight and MYOB Business! More information can be found on this page! If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.