Forum Discussion

annbrinck's avatar
Experienced User
4 years ago

Value of Inventory Items Backdating

Morning We are having an issue with our Inventory Value Reconcilation (IVR). When finalising our September reports, we noticed that the IVR report was out from previous months reported and changes ...
  • Mike_James's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi annbrinck , changing the referral source is probably enough to trigger a re-recording of the invoice when you click OK; this will then use the present-moment average cost of stock, which may differ from the cost when the invoice was first recorded. (I haven't tested this type of change myself, but I do know that changing a (non-financial) line description does the same). 


    When raw material prices change, the historical amounts used in autobuilds will not change; I note that the autobuilds in the item registers did not change between file versions.


    Prior purchase transaction journals can be changed, in cases where:

    - purchase orders are used, and

    - receive items are used, and

    - the price on the final purchase bill needs to be changed, and

    - sales of that purchased stock have taken place before the bill is recorded.

    AccountRight regards the cost of sale on such invoices as provisional until then, and will automatically make cost of sales adjustments. These adjustments used to appear as separate inventory journals in v19, but in the current program they are accumulated with the original purchase journal, which is tidy but not auditable.


    The average cost of an item is recalculated after each recorded transaction (purchase, inventory journal); every sales invoice uses the average cost of stock onhand when that invoice is recorded.