Activity Slips - Import Error - Warning 600: Payroll category requires a non-zero unit; ignored.
Please explain what this means. The only issue I can identify compared to other activity slips I imported is this one has a decimal in the unit? i.e. 2.5 Where am I going wrong surely you can import decimal points?
Have attached log and import txt file.
0 records imported without errors.
1 records imported with warnings.
0 records skipped.
Summary of errors
Warning 600: Payroll category requires a non-zero unit; ignored.
600 STARTER New 2/08/2020 H601 TACK Bell 2.5 H601 TAC - TACK Bell 8
Please help... Mike_James you probably know the answer as you are so good with this sort of stuff
This particular warning has been resolved in AccountRight 2020.4, with importing activity slips with a decimal in the unit column allowing a payroll category to be added.