Forum Discussion

debbieg's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 months ago

employee paid by us and workcover

Hi- we paid employee and work cover commenced, so he's also paid by them. W/Cover instructed me to recover our pay from him. Gross pay $624- Tax -$63 Nett pay $561- . I unfortunately asked him for the Gross $624-(he was not happy)  Please confirm that it is the Nett of $561- that I request from him. And please advise how to process this in Myob. 
Do i create a negative pay and send to ATO (we are on STP 2)? And will this fix his payroll amounts for his Payment Summary? And fix my payroll figures? 

My alternative would be to have him keep the pay and on his return not pay him for an equivalent week. 

hoping you can clarify for me, and thanks. 


  • Hi debbieg,


    Thank you for your post.


    In this situation, I would suggest reversing the pay you have processed, then requesting the net amount of $561 from the employee, not the gross amount of $624. This is because the net pay ($561) is the amount he received in his bank account after taxes were deducted, and this is the amount that needs to be recovered. In any case, it's essential to communicate with the employee about the overpayment recovery and agree on the best course of action. Please refer to this Help article, Changing a Recorded Pay, that has detailed information to reverse the pay.


    Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this. I'm happy to help.




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  • Hi debbieg,


    Thank you for your post.


    In this situation, I would suggest reversing the pay you have processed, then requesting the net amount of $561 from the employee, not the gross amount of $624. This is because the net pay ($561) is the amount he received in his bank account after taxes were deducted, and this is the amount that needs to be recovered. In any case, it's essential to communicate with the employee about the overpayment recovery and agree on the best course of action. Please refer to this Help article, Changing a Recorded Pay, that has detailed information to reverse the pay.


    Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this. I'm happy to help.


