Forum Discussion

traceym1975's avatar
Experienced User
6 years ago

Error when entering Time Sheets

Good morning,


This morning i went to enter one of my employees time sheet and i received this error.


MYOB was working perfectly fine on Friday afternoon, how can this error occur so suddenly?


I believe this has happened once before, and a MYOB representative had to put a fix on our MYOB.


Can someone please help me with this?


Kind Regards,



  • Hi traceym1975 


    I see you have sent me a private message on this Forum confirming that information. I've arranged for the scripts to be run over that company file for you. Do ensure that you close down and reopen the company file.

    Let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

  • Hi traceym1975 


    Based on that message, it looks like the employee that has been selected doesn't have any hourly wage categories associated with their card. 

    If you are encountering that message, I would first recommend ensuring that you have selected the appropriate employee card i.e. you haven't selected a salaried employee by mistake. In addition to that go to the Card List and ensure that you don't have two employee records with the same or similar names.


    After checking that information, go to the Payroll Detials>>Wages section of the employee's card and ensure that you do have an hourly wages category such as Base Hourly ticked for that employee. Once you have an hourly wage category assigned to that employe you should be able to select them in the Enter Timesheet window without that message occurring.


    Do let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

    • traceym1975's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Steven,


      Thank you for responding.


      I probably should have mentioned that this employee has been with us for quite a few months now and nothing has changed in his employment status or his card file.


      I processed payroll on Friday of last week with everything working ok, and now it won't let me enter his timesheet or access his card file (I get an error to say MYOB has to close due to an error).


      Would you have any other suggestions?


      Kind regards,


      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi traceym1975 

        I've arranged for a script to be run over the company file based on the mention that you have been unable to open an employee's card. Do let us know how you get on now and if you require further assistance.


        Just on a side note, the error of not being able to open a particular employee's card has been linked to the Add Payroll Category button in the Pay Employee window and in particular, the Save changes for future pay runs option. My recommendation to limit this message from occurring is to:


        • Ensure that you have the latest payroll categories linked to the employees prior to the processing the pays
        • If you do need to add a category to an employee mid-pay run, add that category but ensure Save changes for future pay runs is unticked. Once that pay has been added, go into that employee's card to add that payroll category.

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