ETP not on Payment Summary
Hi All,
We have 3 staff that were terminated this FY. All received ETP. These payments were showing on payment summaries in Phase 1, but have since been forced to move to Phase 2. All termination dates in MYOB and Payroll Centre have been removed. I have reversed the ETP payment and had to create a new payroll category to change from hourly to salary. I have re processed the ETP payments and have not rejected STP reports. However, the ETP payments are not showing in Payment Summary on individual or YTD verification report.
I'm going on leave from tomorrow afternoon and was hoping this would be fixed.
Can anyone help me out?
Much appreciated.
HI myriam77
Thanks for your post. The Help Article, Wrong ETP values in STP reports, has detailed information on how to resolve this.
Please let me know if you need further help.
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