Forum Discussion
- CarolineH1Contributing Cover User
Did the Single Touch Payroll report work OK after you pushed it through? I am having the same issue with one of my employees who sacrifice a % of their income rather than a set $ amount each pay.
Hi Caroline, Yes it seems that I was able to push through the report in the payroll reporting centre afterwards. And from what I can see - it looks okay now.
- youth16Contributing User
I have issues with the employee who has salary sacrifice only
The rest are ok. So i went to the salary sacrifice to take off the salary sacrifice and push it throug.
ACHI wrote:Hi Caroline, Yes it seems that I was able to push through the report in the payroll reporting centre afterwards. And from what I can see - it looks okay now.
- trioplumbExperienced Cover User
Hi Caroline
no after hitting send again, my report is still setting at Not Sent - guess it will just sit there forever
I reversed the payroll transaction and processed through online web browser and this transaction seems fine
- Miriam1Contributing User
My report to the ATO was rejected after submitting from the Web version.
- Miriam1Contributing User
I have just processed my 3rd payroll for the 2023 payroll year. I have one employee that salary sacrifices 100% of salary. I have been submitting this person's payroll separately and it has been rejected all 3 times. What should I do?