Forum Discussion
Hi, Enrico02
Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.
If you wish to change the GST code, you may check the Help Article: GST codes for more information. Please let us know if you require further assistance with this.
Best regards,
Can you tell me what has changed?
Why can't i specify a payment eg to the ATO as NT or FRE I keep getting errors anf I have to gey my work done!!
he reference supplied hasmn't been helpful so far!.
- DuncanS2 years agoUltimate Partner
Doreen gave you a article on Tax Codes.
Does your Tax Code List has at least 2 Tax Codes GST and N-T?
Have you checked your Accounts List to ensure N-T is used for GST Collected and GST Paid?
I went to a MYOB Breakfast in Sydney last year and the Management Team "explained the benefits" of moving the Call Centre overseas. I recall one comment that the software will be developed in such a way that users may not have issues.
Have raised 2 Issues with MYOB that I regard to be of utmost importance being a Report Design where the ABN was duplicated and printing in MYOB Business being too light - the replies by email were somewhat impersonal and have been put "on the list".
Xero does not have a Call Centre nor a local Community.
Trust that I have been of assistance to you.
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