Forum Discussion

brasstacks's avatar
3 years ago

Invalid software ID

Somewhere between 7 January 2022 and 10 January 2022 something happened to MYOB STP that has resulted in many of my STP ATO reports being rejected for several clients since then. To get ATO to fix it requires me to look up a document ID for each client, requiring me to log into the BAS Portal and look them up. Then spend a couple of hours on the phone to ATO getting the software ID code for MYOB fixed one by one. I have already had to do this with three MYOB Essentials clients with the same error in each case - a missing or invalid software ID code for MYOB Australia. As the STP reports were all accepted prior to 7 January and this is nothing that I have done, why should I have to spend this time fixing MYOB's glitch?

  • Melisa_D's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi brasstacks


    Thanks for your feedback. 


    The MYOB Support Moderator team are here to answer queries about the MYOB software. While we do understand the frustration, in some instances, we do need to refer a Community Forum user to seek additional assistance and resources from a second party such as the ATO. This can aid in the investigation process and help come up with outcomes for users.

    In addition to that, the responses that the MYOB Community can provide are based on the information that we do receive and the knowledge we get from the posts. So ensuring all the information available such as error log information can aid in an investigation towards a situation.


    With respect to your situation, as this is not a common situation that we have come across with regards to the software (outside of the situations that have been listed previously on this thread). As such, there would be some additional questions we would require offering further assistance. For example – if multiple customers are impacted, getting an example of one or two cases would be ideal.

    • Are you lodging as a tax agent or as an employee of the business?
    • If you are you lodging as a tax agent, has your software ID changed?
    • The email address you are lodging under is that the correct declarer?
    • Is the software ID in the software registered in Access Manager?


    It is also worth point out that depending on the outcome, you may not need to contact the ATO. In most cases, once you have ensured that the Software ID is correct, you can process a $0 pay to ensure that the year-to-date values are updated.

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      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi brasstacks


        Thanks for the details. Looking at that error code on the ATO website, it indicates that your nomination with the online (cloud) software provider does not contain the correct Software ID.

        This error only occurs when the Software Service ID (SSID):

        • is not correct; or
        • does not correspond to the correct ABN.

        The instructions to fix this message are listed below: 

        You should confirm the ABN and SSID you are lodging under:

        • log on to Access Manager (accessed via RAM)
        • select 'My hosted software services'
        • update the SSID.

        Agents trying to lodge via the employer's software will need to link the SSID on the employers ABN in access manager. Agents lodging as a Tax/Bas agent need to link their own unique SSID

        Refer to Cloud software authentication and authorisation for more information.



        We're unable to update these details, to fix the error code the above will need to be submitted and updated.


        Do let me know if you have any further questions. 

    • brasstacks's avatar

      It appears that the reports lodged prior to 31/12/21 were OK, even those with holiday pays into January. But from the first January pay entry onwards, they have been rejecting. Example file:****** Everything prior to 31/12/21 accepted, everything since rejected.


      Sensitive information deleted ^KS