Forum Discussion

NotHappy1's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Myob Accountright Server Edition - New Upgrade 17th Mar 2022

We run the SE Accountright Local, not cloud version.  We have been experiencing trouble each time we need to load a new version onto our server as the API doesn't install correctly.

Previously if we didn't install the new version our payroll wouldn't go to the ATO via STP.  Is it necessary to install each upgrade when released as due to the problems with our server and the Myob API we require our IT/3rd party to correct when there are problems and this is charged to us.

We just sorted the 2022.1 release yesterday on our server which allows us to import figures into Myob, now today I have just received an email to say that version 2022.2 has been released and needs to be installed by 22nd March 2022.

Myob have been saying for a very long time that people using the Server Edition need to instal the upgrades manually and they will be made to automatic updates like the PC edition soon, well how much longer do we need to wait and be put to the expense of loading these upgrades manually when there are known problems with loading the API.

The time wasted waiting on the phone for someone to assist with the API failure messages, then to be just told we need our IT people who manage the server to check things is absolutely ridiculous.

I have completed today's payroll and checked that the STP with the ATO reported balances, which is does, but will my weekly payrolls continue to go through to the ATO each week if we don't load this new 2022.2 upgrade?

There seems to be no online support available to ask a question directly to an operator and I've just attempted to ring and there is a 75 minute minimum wait!

Year's ago as we were running Premier, when you rang support and entered your serial number the fact that you were using and being charged for Premier you got connected to a service operator relatively quickly, but for the last few years the service/support is absolutely appalling.


Any assistance appreciated.


  • Hi NotHappy1 


    You wrote 'now today I have just received an email to say that version 2022.2 has been released and needs to be installed by 22nd March 2022.' 


    You don't mention who sent you this email, I am guessing MYOB. There is not usually a deadline for installing an update - unless your file is online. If your file is online, MYOB force users to update by a nominated date. If your company file is offline (local), it is unlikely this deadline applies. I suggest you re-read the email and perhaps post the relevant bit here if unsure.


    STP should continue to function in AR2022.1


    Your comments about the API and service etc are valid concerns and I hope a moderator gets back to you with something other than standard scripted responses.





  • Hi NotHappy1 


    I'm sorry to hear you've had trouble getting through to our phone based teams. We do also provide support via Live Chat and here on the Community Forum.


    To clarify on the email you received regarding the latest release, 2021.8 is being decommissioned on the 22 March 2022. This means that if you have an online file on 2021.8 it will need to upgraded prior to the 22 March 2022 to continue using the file. Decommissioning only impacts online file access, you can still continue to use your company file after the scheduled date of decommissioning offline (locally or your local network).


    You can continue to report payroll through STP Phase 1 on 2022.1. If you receive errors when reporting STP please don't hesitate to start a new post and we'll be happy to help with those errors.


    Getting ready for STP Phase 2


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • NotHappy1's avatar
      Contributing User


      This is the email I received Thu 17th Mar, with the subject:  MYOB Accountright / Upgrade Required.

      As I mentioned in above post, previously when we have received messages to update and we haven't, our payroll doesn't report to the ATO.

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi NotHappy1 


        If you wish to start reporting STP Phase 2 and use the new Employee onboarding feature you will need to upgrade to 2022.2. If you are happy to not use either of those features yet you can stay on 2022.1 as we have an STP Phase 2 deferral until the 1 January 2023.


        Not upgrading your file to the latest version won't affect STP reporting. If you are having problems with STP please do send us screenshots of the error messages so that we can assist.