Forum Discussion

POW's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

MYOB adding 38hrs to employee card base hourly standard pay

I use Tanda and import my time sheets into MYOB.

Mostly this works perfectly

Occasionally however MYOB adds 38hrs to an employee cards standard pay - base hourly.

The employee is paid their casual hours + the 38hrs that is randomly added when the transaction is recorded.

This is very frustrating.

Anyone else have this issue?

14 Replies

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  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi POW 


    Thanks for your post and Welcome to MYOB Community Forum.


    Since you are using timesheets but when you process pay run, there is an additional 38hours added to your employees pay for their base hourly. To correct the situation, I highly suggest to remove the 38hours from the employee standard pay so that it will not be added when you process the next pay run. To do this, go to Card file > Cards List > Employee tab > Click the zoom arrow beside employee name > Payroll details > Standard pay > Remove the 38hours from the base hourly. After following the steps provided, kindly process a dummy pay run and check if the 38hours were still added. Please let me know how it goes.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.


    Best regards,

    • POW's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thanks for this suggestion, however it does not work. I do remove the 38hrs and randomly it gets added back. Not all of the time, just sometimes. Not all of the staff, just one or two randomly.

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi POW 


        Are you still experiencing the issue? Please do let us know so we would be able to assist you further with your concern.


        Best regards,
