Forum Discussion

Mantova's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

New superannuation fund set up not appearing in list


I am setting up a new employee and have set up a new Super fund for B T Super for Life in the SGC category.  It looks like its all set up corectly  but it doesnt appear in the catergory list where you tick against the fund to appear on the employees payslip? is there a limit on how many super funds you can put in the list ?

What do I do to make this new Superfund appear in the list? Now that you can't add employees to the company super fund we have to make up more accounts to appear in the list. I need help!!  thank you


Regards Robyn

  • Ignore previous email, it worked this time so all good

    Regards Robyn

7 Replies

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  • Mantova's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Ignore previous email, it worked this time so all good

    Regards Robyn

  • cold1's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi, Mantova,


    I have same problem like your posting below.


    I can't see where is your solution answer. kindly please advise.


    Thank you



    • cold1's avatar
      Contributing User

      I am setting up a new Technician employee and have set up a new Super fund for Cbus category. Give a Tech-Cbus as new name.


      There is a Cbus super account already created for admin staff who's super fund is Cbus as well.


       It looks like its all set up corectly  but it doesnt appear in the catergory list where you tick against the fund to appear on the employees payslip? is there a limit on how many super funds you can put in the list ?


      What do I do to make this new Superfund appear in the list? Now that you can't add employees to the company super fund we have to make up more accounts to appear in the list. I need help!!  thank you  Anne 

    • Melisa_D's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi cold1


      Thank you for your post. The superfund should appear in the superfund list within the employees card, after setting up the new fund can you close down AccountRight and re open it. Once you've done this please go to the employees card file > Payroll details > Superannuation tab > If you select the drop down in this window next to superannuation fund it should appear. 


      If it hasn't please attach a screenshot of the superfund you've created and what appears in the drop down within the employees card. 

      • cold1's avatar
        Contributing User

        Thanks Melisa,


        The account i created but can't save it. i think this may be the reason can't see it in list.


        kindly please guide me to set up new super account in MYOB AccountRight. 


        Thank you
