2 years ago
Payrun not reported to ATO
I recorded a payrun for 07/12/23 (pay period 04-10/12/23) on 04/01/2024 along with all other payruns for December. All payruns were correctly reported via single touch payroll to the ATO apart from the one for 07/12/23. Instead of a "pay event" there is an "update event" with 0 dollars. The payrun is correctly recorded in the Myob software and the super has been paid for the whole of December. I have done several update events since, hoping that Myob will report that missing payrun but it doesn't. I have tried to get support via email and phone but didn't get any help. I need the payrun to be reported to the ATO without creating a new payrun (as I that will probably also create a new super amount). Can anyone help?