7 months ago
Payrun vs. Bank
Please see attached screen shots: MYOB payrun listing by name Bank statement I see the amounts for Jason, Joanne, Margarette & Sharn are all different to the amount in MYOB. Do you...
Were these people also being reimbursed for an expense they paid, and the person who did the payments just added the expense to their nett pay due?
If so you need to enter the expense in MYOB and then marry the two items, say Jason wage $1,802.30 expense $75.38 to the $1877.68, etc.
if the person making the payments has mucked up and overpaid them, then you tell them all and give them your bank details to return the money. You then do a spend money on the bank attached to the employee's card, eg Jason $75.38 and the allocation account would a new asset account you create called Overpayment to be returned.
When they return the money you then allocate it the asset account you created. At the end when everything is returned you should be able to reconcile that account to a nil balance.
If these people did not actually earn that money I do not see why the employer should pay for the mistake of the person making the payments. Unless of course it is themself.
Has the finalisation of pays been done for 2024, as by now it should have and all these employees would have lodged their tax returns using the finalised pay that was advised to the ATO, and now they should be doing an amendment to the tax returns due to this error.
You NEVER EVER EVER finalise STP until you have reconciled your bank account and reconciled wages reported and what is being finalised in STP.
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