Forum Discussion

Emily1982's avatar
3 years ago

Shift Work and Annual Leave Accrual at different pay rate

Hi all,


I have set up a Saturday shift wage category (x1.5 ordinary rate). Due to awards, Fair Work has advised that annual leave taken on Saturday shift will be paid at x1.5 ordinary rate. Hence, I have set up a separate annual leave entitlement category to keep track on the leave accrual for workers that work on Saturday.


The issue now is when annual leave (x1.5 rate) is taken, the leave accrual is calculated automatically as the normal rate instead of the separate annual leave entitlement category 1.5x that has been created. 


Question -

How do I ensure when I enter the hours for Annual Leave (x1.5 rate), the annual accrual is calculated under “Hol Leave Acc: H/Rate 1.5x” and not at the ordinary annual leave category?


The first screenshot is to illustrate the issue above. 


The second and third screenshots are to show the current payroll setup. 


Thank you.


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  • CloverQ's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Emily1982 


    When hours are entered against the Annual Leave (x1.5 rate) wage category, if you don't want the normal annual leave entitlement category to calculate based on the hours then please make sure this wage category is excluded from the entitlement calculation basis. And vice versa, in order to have 'Hol Leave Acc: H/Rate 1.5x' entitlement category to accrue on the hours entered, please make sure this wage category is included in its calculation basis. 


    Therefore, please go to your Payroll Category > Entitlements > click into the normal rate leave accrual category and check its setup, if it's % on Gross Hours, please use the 'Exempt' button at the top to exempt Annual Leave (x1.5 rate) wage category.


    As of the 'Hol Leave Acc: H/Rate 1.5x' set up in your screenshot, it's calculating % on 'Saturday Hourly Rate (x...' alone, you can also set it to Gross Hours then use 'Exempt' to remove all unwanted wage categories.


    Please feel free to let us know how you go.