I believe MYOB is now aware that there are issues with the verification reports and I hope they are working through the night to fix it. It seems the issue is with terminated employees.
The normal payroll reports reconcile with our general ledger and the figures lodged though STP, The verification reports do not.
PAYG STP reporting ex the ATO = 1,039,907. Payroll Summary = 1,039,907. YTD Verification report = 1,014,336. I have identified that the missing amount matches the PAYG for employees terminated in August and October. We did not have any employees that terminated in July or September so I am not sure if those months are also involved.
SGC Payroll Summary = 314,806.55 YTD Verification Report = 296,210.27 - discrepancy of 18,596.28 which matches the SGC amounts for employees terminated in Aug, Oct, Nov and Dec . It appears that the error iin SGC is not consistent with the error in PAYG.
MYOB needs to make all their accountright users aware of this issue - instead of wasting our time and resources trying to work out what has gone wrong.
My question now is can I finalise the current employees and just leave the termoinated employees until this is fixed?