Letter of compliance
Your AMP superannuation product
To whom it may concern
Statement of compliance - Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act)
The AMP superannuation product shown in the table below is part of the AMP Superannuation Savings Trust.
Fund Australian
Business Number
Fund RSE Reg. No. Product Unique superannuation
identifier (USI)
76514770399 R1001648 CustomSuper AMP0277AU
AMP Superannuation Limited, RSE Licence No. L000550, in its capacity as the Trustee of this fund certifies that:
1. the Fund is a Resident Regulated Superannuation Fund under the SIS Act
2. the Trustee of the Fund has no reason to believe that the Fund will not comply with the SIS Act and Regulations
3. as at this date, the Fund is not subject to any direction under Section 63 of the SIS Act.
Under SuperStream ( the government’s legislation for electronic super payments), all employers need to pay super contributions through a method
that meets the SuperStream rules.
Employers can do this by using:
their own software solution that complies with SuperStream
a solution by an outsourced payroll or other service provider that complies with SuperStream
a clearing house, such as the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House or AMP eSuper®