Hi DeanneWoodman I'm sorry that it has taken that long to find a resolution to the problem and I've also passed on your comments to our teams so the process can be streamlined in the future.
Bernie2022 All the fund payments should be sent to the respective funds by the end of this week. That said, if all other funds have already received the payments and the issue is only with Australian Super, please send me your serial number and company file name by Private Message so we can check the status of those payments on our end.
I have just checked super funds to Australian Super have not been received/processed. Processed the MYOB
Pay Super on 25/02/22 and payment came out of account on 25/2/2022 ???? Please advise / update would be
Hi DeanneWoodman I'm sorry that it has taken that long to find a resolution to the problem and I've also passed on your comments to our teams so the process can be streamlined in the future.
Bernie2022 All the fund payments should be sent to the respective funds by the end of this week. That said, if all other funds have already received the payments and the issue is only with Australian Super, please send me your serial number and company file name by Private Message so we can check the status of those payments on our end.
How do we know if the super funds have received our payments? I have a payment stuck in processing since 1st March. On this other thread (https://community.myob.com/t5/AccountRight-Staffing-and/Super-Authorised-but-popup-window-said-2nd-authorisation-needed/m-p/747876/emcs_t/S2h8ZW1haWx8dG9waWNfc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ufEwwRlRHQk9DTjhBOUc0fDc0Nzg3NnxTVUJTQ1JJUFRJT05TfGhL#M65500 ) we were told to check all the super details. I've checked as much as I can think to check from my end.
I have 15 different funds in that payment. How do I know which one is holding up the processing of the whole payment? Do I need to call each fund to ask if they've received our payment? Do I just let it sit another week?
Hi, I have 3 payments to Virgin Money Super that have not been received by the employee super fund in March and April. Was this fund affected also? We have not recieved the money back rejected.
I just saw your message. I found that the MYOB super payment is so unreliable. I have now deleted this payment format and started using our default super company payment platform. The money transfer to our employees' super funds within 2 days. I am wondering where our money went, from the employer's bank account to our employees' super fund accounts using MYOB platfom in that 10 days period. I am sure someone is making money out of our money. Where is the integrity?
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