unable to reconcile as bank .aba file deducted $0.01 more than calculated payroll amount
I ran payroll spliting payment between two accounts for my employee using MYOB payroll to calculate bank net pay amount as $XXXX.67. The payment was made electronically expecting $XXXX.67 to be ducted from the account payroll is paid. When I went to reconcile the bank account I found the bank deducted $XXXX.68 from the bank account, $0.01 more than the payroll calculated amount used for the electronic banking in the .ABA file. Consequently I cannot reconcile the deduction in AccountRight tothe bank account as "amounts do not match". There also appears no way to adjust the electronic payment made in MYOB to match the bank deduction taken from the bank account through electronic banking by the .ABA file deduction from the company account when the pay was run.
Has any one encountered this issue? If so how did you manage to reconcile the $0.01 difference between calculated and actual bank account deductions?