Forum Discussion

gigiplus's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 months ago

When ATO STP record does not match my payroll register or payroll summary

I follow the protocol to compare payroll register and payroll summary on myob. After they match, I went ot STP portal to finalise EOFY for payroll.  However, the verification report is out by $56.66 for one employee in the gross payment amount only (STP says he ends $56.66 less in gross payment than my MYOB record).  All other figures (PAYG, Super) match my MYOB payroll reports.  All payroll transactions have been sent to STP and listed as accepted.  All payroll account has been reconciled with my bank statements on MYOB.  

I have sent an update event a couple of times, but not changes were reflected.

I have tried to anaylse how I can update the ATO STP portal, but concluded that if I generate a pay that adds the $56.66 on gross payment, the MYOB record will be increased by $56.66, so the discrepency will remain?


Have you come across same issue?

5 Replies

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  • Hi gigiplus


    Thanks for reaching out. 


    If the YTD Verification report does not match the Payroll register report or payroll summary report. What we could check first is in the tab EOFY Finalization and click the 3- dots at the rightmost corner corresponding to the name of the employee. This will show the individual summary payments as the breakdown of other pay items that are not reported as Gross Payments. Adding these Gross YTD to the Verification report should make them match. 


    Let us know if you require any further assistance with this. We are happy to help. 




    • gigiplus's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks for your reply.

      How do I add the Gross amount to Verification report without adding the same to MYOB record?


  • Hi gigiplus,


    Thanks for your response. 


    What I would suggest is to send an update event for your reports to match the reports to the YTD verification report. 


    Let me know if you encounter any issues while doing this. 




    • gigiplus's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have already try the update even several times, but it has not changed at all.

      The payroll summary and payroll activity reports from MYOB matches, and all my bank statement has been reconciled.  I cannot phantom why ?  the ATO doesn't adjust its record to MYOB?

      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi gigiplus


        Thanks for the reply. 


        My understanding is if the amounts are correct in the Payroll register, it should translate to the YTD verification report. I would suggest checking the 3 dots again to see the summary of payments for each employee. Also, please note that wage categories that are nonreportable or PAYG-exempt will not show on STP reports only in the software payroll reports. Furthermore, wage categories for allowances, overtime, bonuses, etc for STP2 don’t total under Gross Wages on the STP report but are separated. However, they also total under gross wages on software payroll reports


        Let us know if you need further assistance. 


