Forum Discussion

Tina1959's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 months ago

wrong date format

Using Account Right and have noticed that some of my employees pay slips show the correct format - eg 15/5/2024 and some show the USA format - eg 5/15/2024 - this is in the same pay run so it is not a system wide error where I can fix an incorrect date format. How can I fix this - it is fine when it is obvious there is no 15th month but not so good for months up to 12.


  • Hi Tina1959


    Sorry to hear about the inconsistency with date formats on your employees' pay stubs. To troubleshoot this, you can try changing the date format before printing pay slips. For more details, check out this Help article: Change the date and currency format. If the issue persists, please let us know so we can investigate further and address the underlying date format settings. Our team is here to help you get this sorted out!




    • Tina1959's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      It has nothing to do with the Windows setting - I thought this would have been obvious as it is not happening on all payslips - only some of them despite them all being run at the same time


      I am not an idiot and do know how to set the correct settings in Windows - this answer is as bad as the one I get about changing the small font size on MYOB windows - the computer setting are fine - your software is not!

  • Freman's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Tina1959Hi Tina, the answer Princess_R is actually the first thing you should do. I know it seems impossible to believe that toggling a windows setting for the region might fix it. I had the same reaction as you years and years (decades) ago when it first started happening.


    I've seen exactly the same as you have described in multiple different data files over the years and in most cases the regional toggle has indeed corrected it.  (Again It makes no sense especially when every other program on the same system is showing the date correctly as per the system region setting)

  • Tina1959's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Freman,


    I understand what you are saying but tell me how EXACTLY the same pay run - done at EXACTLY the same time can have two different formats - employee 1 has Australian date, employee 3 has US format.

    And my date and location service inn Windows is correct - so there is nothing for me to change. I travel overseas extensively and use the setting to change when I am away - in fact it is set up to do it automatically, so again I must insist it is a MYOB issue - nothing else.


  • Freman's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Why waste your time on all this to again point out that it makes no sense. I know it makes no sense yet I have seen toggling the region to any other one and then back fix similar issues many many times over many years.


    Whatever the bug is its been there for a long time, I've never ever been able to piece together the chain of events that leads to the screwup (I suspect MYOB themselves are in the same boat. It is by far the weirdest thing that occurs from time to time). I've seen MYOB spend money screen look correct when recorded (and when opened to edit) but reports show as US with it not allowing me to fix it properly until the region toggle was done.


    Again toggling is definitely the correct first step, then you check the individual wage transactions to see if the dates are in line with the a-ok ones, then re-run all the payslips to see if they are now (bizarrely) correct and consistent. If not correct at that point then MYOB Support is next.