DanielF6's avatar
5 years ago

In Tray: Option to only show Open Bills with no attachment

Update 2019.4 now shows all open bills in the IN TRAY when trying to link a PDF to a bill. Previously it would only show those bills without an attachment. It would be beneficial to have a tick box or some form of option to filter all of the open bills by those without an attachment. This would greatly speed up our attaching of invoices to open bills as currently we are having to manually search through 100+ open bills. Its current state is tedious to say the least


  • I think this is a fantastic idea Daniel.  It is very time consuming having so many invoices to sift through when attached documents.  

  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi DanielF6 


    Good news with this one; the next release (2020.1) will be returning the original way of doing things in the Link to Existing Bill window by automatically filtering out Bills with existing Attachments by default. There will also include a tickbox to show those Bills with Attachments should you need to.


    When 2020.1 is released to everyone there will be a post on the AccountRight Blog and we will also update this Idea.




    MYOB Product Team

  • BMAX's avatar
    Experienced User

    Seriously!!! Why change it in the first place... very frustrating having to wade through all the open bills even though the previous Myob already had this feature.. I now have to wait for the next upgrade... what will change next.. i hate upgrading Myob changing things that should never be changed :(

    FYI all previous myob versions had this feature all ready, why change it do you guys actually do user acceptance testing before you do upgrades?

  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi All,


    With the release of 2020.1, the Link to Existing Bill window will now not include Bills with existing Linked In Tray Attachments by default. There is now a checkbox to show Bills with Attachments which is off by default.


    You can read more about 2020.1's features on this Release Post: AccountRight 2020.1 is now available


    Note: The In Tray will only check for Bills with linked In Tray documents, Bills with attachments that were uploaded directly to the Bill's Attachment window may still display if there are no Linked In Tray documents also.


    Tagging:DanielF6 BMAX AprilSaunders