KensoKarl's avatar
Cover User
9 years ago

Jobs: Allocate jobs to payment transactions

We are tryig to run  a P/L on individual jobs, so we can know what is our finantial situation in terms of individual job. Which job is profitable and making us more money,so we can make a marketing campain based on the account information.

Unfortunatly MYOB cannot run such a simple and very important report.

When we receive payments they are applied to an invoice and there is no options to link this payments to a specific job. I was just told I need to pull all the invoices and do the calculations manually. 


My suggestion is very simple: If you allocate expences to a job you should be able to allocate the payments as well. 

"Profit and Loss report by job"


  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello KarlKensoKarl

    When you run the Job P&L report it pulls the income detailas from the Job that was entered on the sales invoice so you have a valid Job P&L.

    You do not need to be able to allocate a payment of a sale to a jub, as that has already been done on the invoice.

    The payment received on an invoice is not a P&L item but a balance sheet transaction as it is a Debit to the Bank Account and a credit to the Accounts Receivables  (Trade Debtors)  and both of these are Asset type accounts.



  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages