Mags's avatar
Trusted Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Entitlement Balance [Summary] - Show 3 decimal places

In the Employee Card File entitlements hours are shown using 3 decimal points even when processing a pay it is shown using 3 decimal points and the Entitlement Reports use 2 decminal points, could you please look at having the hours on the Reports using 3 decimal points, this assist with reconciling the leave reports.


The classic AccountRight V19.10 has 3 decimals points for hours on those reports; is there a reason for changing to 2 decimal points...this had made reconciling very difficult in V2015.1.


Please consider this to make our lives easier!!!


"Payroll Entitlements Balance Summary Report"


  • I agree.  It would be extremely helpful if the decimals would show 3 places.  I recently created a new company file and had to transfer 15 employees from the old file to the new one.  The entitlements report is not sufficient to use due to the lack of exact reporting.  Quite frustrating and time consuming having to open each employee card to check the exact entitlement balance.


    How many people need to vote on this topic before MYOB acts on it?

  • Hi Mags

    Thanks for your additional feedback. I've merged this idea with your previous idea already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange on the same topic.

  • Mags's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    It would be great it the Payroll Leave Entitlements Report for hours has 3 decimal places instead of 2.

    This would then match up the the Employee Card File that has 3 decimal places for entitlements.


    Entitlements should always be 3 decimal places and would make reconciling the leave entitlements a lot easier then going into each individual employee's card file to reconcile the entitlements.


    Please consider!!!

  • Status changed:

    Hi Mags

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and the Entitlement reports.

    Currently AccountRight 201x will display the report with 2 decimal places where as other places will show 3 decimal places. I would encourage other users that would like to see the decimal places extended on that Entitlement Balance Summary report to vote and comment if required for this idea.