Barkel's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Report: Entitlement Balance [Summary] - Surname printing only when filter by entitlement

STILL  only prints surnames when you filter by entitlement - a fault that was pointed out by me in NOVEMBER






  • Growers's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I'm not sure what version of the software you are using but I am using Account Right Plus 2012 and in our entitlement report, it shows the following:


    Full Name  /  Opening Hours  /   Hours Accrued  /  Hours Taken   / Hours Available   / Value


    Also be aware that a lot of these amendments to software are not done overnight. Just because an issue is raised on this forum does not necessarily guarantee that it will ever be implemented nor within a speedy time frame. My experience with MYOB has shown me that the number of enhancements and fixes are not that frequent or voluminous in that the developers of the software need to ensure full integrity for all users on all platforms and that the most highly sought after or urgent amendments are implemented first.


    If the support team at MYOB elect to include an issue to work on, the time frame to see the results of that amendment could be many months away so I would not expect any progress, if any, would have taken place at this early stage.


    I know this might disappoint you and is not helping you with your problem, however, if you, (already have) raised it as an idea in the forum and enough people vote on it, you could see some positive activity in the future.





  • Barkel's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I am using AcountRight Plus 2012 and as previously stated the problem exists when you filter by ENTITLEMENT  - when you filter by EMPLOYEE the Report is fine. 


    any way I thought it was worth mentioning AGAIN in this forum as it has been over 12 months since up grading to this product and there are still so many things that are fundamentally wrong with it.


    I don't want the bells and whistles - I just want the basics to work and I think that 12 months is TOO LONG for someone to wait for basic improvements on a product that I have paid for - A product that used to work and no longer does.  This is not an IDEA ... it is not a SUGGESTION ..  it is a PROBLEM that remains Unfixed. 


    I shouldn't  need VOTES to get attention to this.  It is a problem.. I am a paying customer ... MYOB needs to fix it.  Simple!  How am I meant to know that MYOB is doing anything to fix any of these problems when you get such limited feedback and while you drip feed us with upgrades that don't address problems that were brought to your attention from day one of the initial product change 







  • Growers's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Your original comment only mentioned November which I assumed was from 2012, not 2011 so one would not have been aware of how long this was an issue for you without the year.


    I also ran the same report and was able to set it by either employee or entitlement with all name details shown so I'm not sure what is going wrong for you. There is no option to add extra fields in the report by way of the insert / modify function as they only offer you the 6 by default as mentioned earlier.


    May I suggest you send MYOB a sample of your problem with various screenshots (use Snipping Tool) and see if they have a solution.




  • Barkel's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Greg


    This specific problem IS from November 2012 -  the 12 months I was refering to was for ALL problems with the product that remain unaddressed


    Please refer to screenshots of my original post 








  • Growers's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    It Looks like they are working on the issue for you then.




  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The Entitlement Balance [Summary] report will display the employee names correctly when filtering by Entitlements with AccountRight 2013.5 and onwards.