NeilA's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales: Invoice rounding on unit price

Description: We are selling in units of each
with unit cost say.08112 and when printing the invoice it only shows a rounded
number where the extension is correct to the quantities sold but customers are
checking the price on the invoice and recalculating and reducing the invoice
value and short paying. I have had a couple of phone conversations with Myob help line and are told it cant be fixed ! Surely it can? as we sell everything
by each and the parts in cents. I don't really want to give money away and
understand the customers point of view but it is costing me money now can
someone look into it or someone suggest a soloution? I have put a comment on the invoices saying it rounds up
at point of invoicing but they still deduct and short pay. thanks Neil


"invoice rounding"