essentialuser1's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Bills: Change default sorting to be by Due date


Currently when I click on the bills list, It is sorted by "Invoice number" by default. I believe it would be much more convienient if it was sorted by "Due Date"


Also when I click on the Invoices list, It is sorted by the Automatic MYOB "number" (which is completely useless to me). I think it would also be better sorted by "Due Date".

These are default settings and it would be great if MYOB could make it a more user friendly sort column ("Due Date") or alternatively give you the option to set your own default sort so that I don't have to change it every time I go back to the list.

Thank YOu


"Default SORT of Bills and Invoices - change to "Due Date""


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    Within MYOB Business, users would be able to sort the Bills window by the listed columns including Due Date. This sorting is remembered by the system until it is changed by the user.

  • wolf4eva's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi, can this be unarchived? 


    This request just makes far more sense then what currently is displayed. Every single time I go to these pages I always have to re-sort by due date.


    Please unarchive this and seriously consider implementing, as the currently sort: by Bill Number and Invoice Number is absolutely usless - they both need to be by due date.



  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had little support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages

  • Firstly, I would like to be able to sort as I choose in any of the lists produced.  Sometimes you may be looking for a particular amount - currently as I understand it, you can't sort in Pay bills - by amount.  Frustrating and clunky for such an "advanced" accounting system.


    Secondly,  Why is there not facility in REPORTING to choose which columns appear in your report.  I agree with the poster above - the MYOB generated number is of ZERO significance to me.  I would like to have Invoice numbers appear on the reports so that I can make sure I have correctly matched payments etc.  And... if I am looking for a particular invoice number, I should be able to sort by that column.


    c'mon MYOB - get up with the play.  Pastel Accounting was doing this 20 years ago... 

  • I think it would be ideal to actually allow the user to sort by all the columns, but at the very least give them the ability to sort by Due date.